
Workshop on the right to education   29 May 2021 / Berlin / Kreidestaub e.V. This year’s teaching festival by the Kreidestaub e.V. is dedicated to equality in school and the education system. In our workshop “Knowing, teaching and living human rights” we offer a human rights perspective on the many aspects of the right to education and practical exercises in human rights education.
right know at the open day of the M.A. Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights   21. April 2021 / online / M.A. Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights (MACR), FH Potsdam Get to know us and our work at the open day of the children’s rights MA in Potsdam! We are alumna of the very first year, back then at the Freie Universität Berlin, and we look forward to the exchange!
Presentation of the German children’s consultation on children’s rights in the digital world   25 March 2021 / Berlin (online) / Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk (German Children’s Fund) Children world wide had the opportunity to contribute their perspectives on children’s rights in the digital world for the new General Comment No. 25 by the UN-Committee on the Rights of the Child. At the expert meeting hosted by the German Children’s Fund Lea Fenner presented the experiences and results of the German children’s consultation which we at right now conducted.  General Comment No. 25   
Report on children’s rights in Afghanistan (translation)   November 2020 / UNICEF We had the honour to translate UNICEF’s report on the human rights situation of chidlren in Afghanistan in to German. A sad range of of age and gender specific reasons for seeking refuge that (should) play a vital role in decisions about asylum and safe return.
Children’s rights in primary school   10 and 11 November 2020 / Lingen-Holthausen / Ludwig-Windthorst-Haus We look forward to spending one and a half days with teachers and social workers at primary schools. The training offers an introduction to children’s rights, their implementation in the classroom and it encourages the development of a child rights approach for the own school.
Seminars for teachers at children’s rights schools   2016 – today / Germany / Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk On behalf of the children’s rights organisation Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk we conduct further education seminars for teachers on implementing children’s rights at primary schools. The schools take part in the children’s rights schools project of the organisation, a year-long programme for realising children’s rights in the class room and the school community.
Workshop on child rights based schools 6 November 2019 / Berlin / GEW Berlin (German Education Union) We offer a workshop on children’s rights as a fundament for schools and teaching in the framework of the symposium “A School for Everyone – diverse, free of discrimination and inclusive” by the German Education Union. We look forward to work with teachers, parents and students on practice ideas for realising children’s rights!
Workshop für parents at the Children’s Rights Festival 15 September, 2019 / Berlin / Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, MACHMit Museum There will be activities and celebrities reading for kids at the children’s rights festival organised by the DKHW and a lokal children’s museum in Berlin. Adults can enjoy presentations and a workshop on children’s rights in everyday family life which we have the pleasure to offer.
General Assembly of the DARE network August 2019 / Berlin / Democracy and Human Rights Education in Europe – DARE Network We finally got to meet the members of the DARE network. We have been a member for over a year and now had the chance to see familiar and new faces and gain a more detailed insight into the work of the network. We are looking forward to joint initiatives!
Child consultations on children’s rights and the digital environment   July – September 2019 / Berlin and Hamburg / Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk, Western Sydney University, London School of Economics, 5Rights Foundation, RErights We facilitated children’s consultations designed to gain an insight into how young people use digital media and how they perceive the impact on their rights. The research is designed to provide the basis for recommendations to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child for their work on the upcoming General Comment on the issue.
A Second Revolution: Child Rights Now! Report   26 June 2019 / Joining Forces Initiative: ChildFund Alliance, Plan International, Save the Children International, SOS-Kinderdorf International, Terre des Hommes International Federation und World Vision International The six largest international children’s charities published the Child Rights Now! Report on the status of children’s rights in Germany on the occasion of the upcoming 30th anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. As authors of the report, we look forward to many reactions and actions! The global report of the initiative includes an analysis of the situation of children in 17 countries. German Report / Summary Global Report
Kinderrechteworkshops für Kinder zu Janusz Korczak und Europa 28 and 29 May 2019 / Hannover / Salto Wortale – Children’s Literature Festival in the Circus Tent This year’s Salto Wortale Children’s Literature Festival focuses on Janusz Korczak and Europe. Right now offers workshops for school students where they can pursue the children’s rights aspects of both focus themes.  
Child rights-based research for German state report April 2019 / DKHW The German government has published its combined 5th and 6th state report on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In preparation of the report the opinions of children and youth were sought. Right now has supported the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk in developing the child rights-based research design and in preparing the participation facilitators (see Annex 3). 5th/6th German state report (pdf)
Selection of previous works